customer feedback

  • “Super friendly operation. Beautiful views they even have a small store with honey and other homemade goods. Highly recommend them for anybody looking for a fun family outing. We went on there winter sliegh ride Dec 23. Breathtaking views. Half way through the ride they had a cabin in the woods with a fire going where we took a short break to warm up.”

    — Johannes Vanderwind

  • I have had an opportunity to work with B&T wagons. This company is incredibly passionate about the outdoors, the service is amazing and the experience is outstanding. Any gathering you need, this brings a unique and fun attraction and we are so lucky to have this service in the Bulkley Valley!

    — Annette Morgan

  • Our family highly recommends the sleigh rides with B&T! Our last one was during a cold snap of -20 and it was still great! The cozy fire at the halfway mark kept us warm! Bring your snacks, byob and enjoy an activity that you surely will not regret! The rides are family friendly, we even took along our 3 week old baby, bundled right up. When the ride is over, pop into the store to shop many locally made products! List Item

    Erin Colebank

  • “We want to hear from you!”

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